Rally class has moved to 7:15 pm on Thursday nights.
KCKC will follow current Minnesota COVID 19 Guidelines. If you are required to wear a mask in public, you will need to wear one in our training center.
Rally run-thrus will be weekly at 7:15 pm on Thursdays. Rally is an on-going class; you may start at any time. Dogs must have been in classes to learn basic commands prior to beginning Rally. A current rabies certificate is required for all dogs over 6 months of age. Fee for Rally class is $10.00 per time. You may purchase 6 Punch cards for $50 or 12 punch cards for $100.00.
Contact Gladys Berlin gberlin@charter.net for more information
Classes are on-going each Wednesday at 7:30 pm. A current rabies certificate is required for all dogs over 6 months of age. Please bring a copy to be kept on file at the club. This class is offered on a drop-in basis with payment per time ($10 per time) or by purchasing a 6 session punch card for $50 or a 12 session card for $100. Prior registration is not required.