All dogs may participate!
Rally demonstrates a sense of teamwork and provides an excellent introduction for new dogs and handlers to Companion Events of Obedience and Agility. The dog and handler move through a course of numbered exercises, all while the handler is communicating with and praising the dog. The sport can also provide a challenging opportunity for competitors in other events to strengthen their skills. Rally promotes a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for dogs at all levels of competition.
- Rally builds teamwork and confidence with your dog.
- Unlimited communication from the handler to the dog is encouraged.
- Nice stepping stone into either Obedience or Agility or both!
- Rally course includes 10 to 20 stations.
- All signs are placed to the handlers right side, unless change of direction.
- Leg – a term that is used for a qualifying score.
- Qualifying Score – minimum of 70 points out of a possible perfect score of 100.
Rally Titles:
Dogs must earn three qualifying scores under two different judges in order to receive a Rally Title of Novice, Advance or Excellent Title.
- Rally Novice (RN)
-10 to 15 stations
-Performed on leash
- Rally Advanced (RA)
-12 to 17 stations
-One jump
-Performed off leash
- Rally Excellent (RE)
-15 to 20 stations
-Two jumps
-Performed off leash
- Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE)
-The requirements for the RAE Title is that the dog must qualify ten times in both Advance B and Excellent B class at the same trial.